This site is owned by SummerHaul
By using this site, you understand and agree to the terms & conditions listed on this page. For data protection purposes, SummerHaul is the
controller and, unless otherwise noted, is also the processor of data.
Information collected may be retained, and may be stored, processed,
accessed, and used in jurisdictions whose privacy laws may be different
and less protective than those of your home jurisdiction.
SummerHaul does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the quality
of any products displayed, purchased or
obtained by any consumer. SummerHaul is not liable for any damage incurred from using products purchased on this site.
Public Information
Our website enables you to post information to be accessed by others
through our comments. When you do so, other visitors may collect your
data and attempt to contact you off the site. SummerHaul cannot
be held liable for any offsite communications that result from your
posting of personal information on our site. If you do not wish to be
contacted offsite by other SummerHaul visitors, do not give your
e-mail address or website address in the content when leaving a comment.
Content may not be reproduced, distributed, translated, displayed,
posted, communicated or used in any way without the prior written
consent of SummerHaul.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change the terms of this privacy policy and
disclaimer at any time without notice.
Contact Information
You may contact SummerHaul by completing the form in the About SummerHaul
page or by emailing if you have any concerns or questions.